11 Oct Global Peanuts New Crop 2018
Pangea Brokers updated Global Peanuts New Crop 2018 Report
We are happy to share with you the updated global market information for Peanuts New Crop 2018
Here below we sumarize briefly the relation of crop per the most outstanding countries:
- USA.
The most outstanding points are the following:
- The expected peanut production will be reduced by a 20% compared to last year. This decrease is due to the dry weather conditions during August.
- The most probbably that there will be as well damages impacted by the Hurricane Florence, but for the moment they are still not clear at all.
- There will be a large carry over out of the current crop, 2017.
- It seems that there will be a plenty of good quality peanuts available.
- Argentina.
Currently they are going through a difficult economical situation and on top that the government decided to reduce the export rebate on raw and blanched peanuts.
As well it is expected that the planting of the new crop will decrease a 10%, but probabbly there will be an higher reduction in planting.
- Brazil.
Their exporters seem to be comfortable with most of their peanuts sold for this season and are now starting with the prepare of the new crop.
So far it seems they will plant the same quantity or slightly less than last year. However rain is needed in the next few weeks to be able to plant correctly.
- China.
The most outstanding points are the following:
- The new crop will be around 15.5 million tons.
- The peanuts production suitable for export to the EU has decreased in some provinces, than Shandong, Liaoning or Jilin.
- The Liaoning and Jilin Province has still some chances of early frost, which could affect and reduce more the volume of suitable EU peanuts.
- India.
They had quite irregular rains during this season. So the New Crop details are still not clear at all and depends on the weather conditions during the following weeks.
For the Gujarat Area, the main province of Indian Peanuts, it is expected the following:
- If it´s not rain enough, there will be acrop about 2-1.4 million tons
- While if it´s rain enough, the crop will ascend to 5-1.6 million tons.
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