11 Sep Global Raisins New Crop 2018
Pangea Brokers updated Global Raisins New Crop 2018 report.
We are happy to share with you the updated global market information for raisins New Crop 2018.
Here below we summarize briefly the relation of crops per countries:
- Californian New Crop Raisins are about 3 weeks from harvest. The most outstanding points are currently:
- The New Crop is developing well so far. However, this period is somewhat critical and in focus of many farmers, because if we remember the two unexpected rains during the harvest of last year, the fear of the same situation is still present.
- The current raisin crop was the smallest since 1982.
- The carry over is estimated to be 70.000 T. In the following weeks, when the harvest started, we will be able to know the estimated quantity for the New Crop.
- After last year’s disappointing raisin crop in California, most of the importers turned to other origins, than Turkey, Chile and South Africa to cover their supply. California processors even imported chilean material to fulfill domestic customer needs.
- Chilean Raisins. The most outstanding point is that the total production is very small.
Last crop they had a total crop of 60.000 MT, but with an excellent quality.
- The Iranian sultana raisins exports outside of the Middle East will face major challenges for the New Crop; due to the U.S. sanctions.
So with this issues it is expected that European buyers of raisins from Iran will turn to other origins, than Turkey, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, U.S.A., Chile and South Africa.
Any additional information that you would need about Global Raisins New Crop 2018, just let us know.
We are glad to be at your disposal.
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