08 Jul Latest estimations for the Turkish Dried Apricots New Crop, 2019
Turkish Dried Apricots New Crop (2019) Report.
Pangea Brokers is happy to share with you some estimations for the Turkish Dried Apricots New Crop, 2019.
The most outstanding points for the coming season of Turkish Dried Apricots are:
- The weather conditions are still not so favorable. The night temperatures are still too cold and during the day it´s not too warm either.
- The crop expectation is around 90.000 – 100.000 MT.
- There were hail incidents at some regions which have a minor effect on overall yield. There are some estimations that nearly 20-30% is damaged.
- The first drying processes will start within this week.
- The carryover crop is less than expected and the new crop estimation is not too much as expected.
- The prices are not defined yet, but the expected prices will be at the same rango as the current crop.
- The first estimations shows that this crop bigger sizes, as Nº 2 and 3, will be more available in compare than the smallest sizes, as Nº 5, 6 or 8.
During the following 30-45 days, the harvest time and the drying process will start during the different areas of Malatya.
So during the following weeks, we will see how the new crop evolves and we could establish the available quality and quantity; and how the market will react concerning prices.
If in the meantime there is some additional information that you need, just let us know. We are glad to be at your disposal.
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