Turkish Sultana Raisins Report


Turkish Sultana Raisins Report

The Turkish Sultana Raisins market seems to remain stable during the last weeks. The continuous increase in demand will lead that the prices of raw materials will continue to rise.

We are happy to share with you some updated market information for the Turkish Sultana Raisins.


The latest reports indicate that, since the beginning of the Crop until the first half of January 2019, more than 120.000 tons of Turkish Sultana Raisins were exported.

10.000 to 15.000 tons have been used in the domestic market. At least 25.000 tons are already in the stocks of packers.

Considerating these datas and that the new crop amount was around 280.000 tons, roughly 100.000 tons of Turkish Sultana Raisins remain in the hands of farmers and traders.

Around 5.000 tons of raisins have been exported on a weekly basis since September.

The current available volume will not be able to satisfy all the demand. The pace of exports continue at a rate of 4.000 tons per week or at a higher rate.

Only if the pace of exports drops down to approximately 3.000 tons a week and remain at that level, then, the supply should be able to cover the export and domestic needs until the arrival of new crop.

Taking this scenario into account, and the fact that there will be additional manipulative efforts to increase prices in the days to come, further increases in prices are expected.

Farmers and traders, who hold the remaining stock of raw material, seem to be expecting accordingly; and there are no immediate reasons for the prices to come down.

However there is no way of knowing how either condition will turn out; especially in the short run. So during the next weeks we will see how the market evolves.

If there is some additional information that you need, just let us know. We are glad to be at your disposal.

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