29 Jan Vietnamese Cashew New Crop Report
Pangea Brokers updated Vietnamese Cashew New Crop Report.
The market seems to remain stable during the last weeks, but it seems that the new crop will significantly affect the market. The Vietnamese Cashew Farmers fear poor yield during harvest season.
We are happy to share with you some updated market information on the Vietnamese Cashew market and the evolution of their New Crop.
Farmers in Binh Phuoc province, the country’s largest cashew producer, are facing unfavourable weather conditions. Normally during this season they have warm weather conditions, that causes the trees to bloom and bear fruit.
Unfortunately since the end of December the cold weather is affecting the development of the cashew fruits and their flowers. In addition, the southern region is expected to see heavy rains. If the rain continues or the storm affects the area, many of the flowers and young fruit on the cashew trees will fall off the trees.
In some areas some of the fruit on his trees already dried and fallen; and many farmers are afraid. If the weather continues to be bad with the unseasonable rains and prolonged cold winds, they will face a por harvest. So to avoid a bigger disaster they are spraying chemicals on his trees to protect flowers and prevent pests.
Currently there is no way to know how the new crop finally will be. So we have to wait after the Lunar New Year Holidays. Once then we will see how the temporary affected on the crop and how the market will evolve.
If in the meantime there is some additional information that you need, just let us know. We are glad to be at your disposal.
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